child may have a vision problem

It’s no secret that vision plays a big part in your child’s ability to learn new information. According to the American Optometric Association, 25 percent of school-aged children have a vision problem significant enough to affect their learning.

And unfortunately, many of these problems go undiagnosed for one reason or another. That is why it’s so important to learn the warnings signs of poor vision. Listed below are five signs your child may have a vision problem:

  • Squinting to see far away objects

Children with vision problems may squint at objects far away in an attempt to see them more clearly. Frequently tilting their heads to see far away objects better is another common sign of a vision problem.

  • Frequently rubbing their eyes

Okay, clearly young children will frequently rub at their eyes for a variety of reasons. But if your child frequently rubs his eyes when he’s trying to read or do schoolwork, this could be the sign of a vision problem.

  • Sitting too close to the TV

If your child sits too close to the TV, it could be the sign of a vision problem. When children have to lean in close to read a book or make out a program on TV, this could be a sign of nearsightedness.

  • Closing one eye to read

If your child frequently closes one eye in order to read, this could be a sign that his eyes aren’t working together very well.

  • Problems in school

Often, parents will discover a vision problem after their child starts performing poorly in school. If your child’s grades suddenly begin to suffer, make sure to get to the root of the problem. It could be that they aren’t able to make out what their teacher is writing on the board or keep up with their lessons.

One of the best ways to make sure your child is seeing clearly is by taking them to their yearly comprehensive eye exam. It is recommended that children have their first eye exam before starting school at age six. Contact us today to learn more!